Tuesday 13 December 2011

Hampton Academy Brand New Sports Kit

The new look Hampton Academy have celebrated their recent sporting successes by unveiling their brand new bespoke sports kits. The original designs are exclusive to Hampton Academy and will make students even more proud to represent their school in sports fixtures and competitions.
Funds were raised by students and staff from the Olympic Learning day in March 2010 and from a generous donation from Hampton Academy Association in the summer term. Students Josh Dillon and Shefali Pandhi even donated their own Jack Petchey prize money towards the kits. These generous student contributions were recognised by having the students’ names added to the sleeves of the Rugby and Netball shirts.
Below is a picture of the sports kits modelled by a selection of Hampton Academy’s most successful students. At the front: Josh and Shefali, proudly showing off their shirts.
Mr Giblin who organised the fund raiser events for the kit and oversaw its production had this to say, “Thank you to everyone who contributed to the funds, especially Josh, Shefali and Hampton Academy Association. It’s a great honour to represent your school in sports competitions and now Hampton Academy students have sports kit that they can be proud to wear.”

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